Here’s a little bit about what I do…

I have been playing drums since 2009 and I have been teaching people how to do the same since 2018. I have taught many different styles to people of many different ages and skill levels. Any student who has taken lessons with me has shown improvement as a result.

If you can read this, I believe you also could learn. If you cannot read this, but you can tie your shoes and count to four, I believe you also could learn. If you cannot do those things, I believe there are other people who can help you with that.

And then I can teach you how to play the drums.

Give me a shout and we’ll set up a lesson at my home studio in Saskatoon. Most of my students take weekly half-hour lessons, but I am flexible. I give hourlong lessons to students who want them. Although I prefer to teach from my home, I may be able to set up a time where I can come to you. I find it works as long as the student has a drum kit we can use.

The Benefits of Drumming:


Drums are a fun instrument to play. Learning to play them is both a physical and mental challenge. While it does not require a lot of physical strength, the movements required to play drums well take a lot of coordination, which can only be gained through repetition. Cognitively, drums teach a person to set goals and attain them through concentration and discipline. Emotionally, drums are both cathartic and calming. While drumming aggressively can serve as an emotional release even without instruction, learning music teaches us to control our impulses for the sake of our true intent. Discovering these things and experiencing the joy of mastering various techniques and songs over time has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Much of my self confidence stems from what I can do on the drums. This confidence has allowed me to do many things that I might never have done if I had never learned to do something like this for myself. I want this same confidence for my students.

A bit more about my experience:

I have been in bands, recorded in nice studios, and played many live shows at various venues around the Canadian prairies. My content on YouTube has been viewed by thousands. I have taught many lessons both privately and under contract to people of various ages. I have studied under different teachers, and I still have more to learn. That’s the beauty of it. There is always more one can learn about drums.

While I’m at it, I’d like to pass some of what I already know on to you.

There is always more you can learn about drums, even when you are a teacher.

While I’m at it, I’d like to pass some of what I already know on to you.